Take a look at our DEC Newsletter articles this month to help you understand Gap Read more →
The DEC NETWORK Newsletter is a monthly resource for families involved with a college search. What can you expect? From September to June, look for timely information on important college planning calendar dates such as standardized test date deadlines. Read articles dealing with college financing as well as specific topics relevant to the college process. And, a favorite feature highlights a particular type of college with this month’s story focusing on military academies. Finally, don’t miss the “website of the month” offering a great resource on such topics as summer enrichment, scholarships, athletic recruitment, and college search engines. What’s in print for the upcoming month? Our September Newsletter is chalk full of helpful tips on how to manage: 1) College Costs and Your College List, 2) Getting Recommendations That Can Make A Difference, 3) Rants, Raves and Vents of College Admissions Officers, and 4) Making the Most of Your High School Years. Check out also this month’s website,www.campuscompare.com. ( The site allows you to compare colleges along several variables such as majors, location, sports and careers. Visitors also can view links to student reviews on Facebook and Twitter). Sign up to receive the free DEC NETWORK Newsletter by going to www. dec-network.com.