An AP-Stanford University poll ( finds most Americans believe that education is a driving force behind our nation’s economic success. These beliefs were shared across gender, race, and economic levels. As reported in Inside Higher Ed, “eighty-eight percent say a country’s education system has a major effect on its economic health. Nearly as many — 79 percent — say the U.S. economy would improve if all Americans had at least a two-year college degree”.  However, the authors of a newly published book, The Global Auction: The Broken Promises of Education, Jobs and Incomes question the validity of these long held societal views that equate education levels with economic prosperity. In fact, Henry M. Levin, Professor of Economics & Education at Columbia University considers the book and its message “a must-read for parents, college students and policymakers”. ( As families make decisions on investing in higher education, they shouldn’t overlook the realities of today’s workforce and investment return. On January 10, I will address the education and career connection in a presentation to the Fairfield County community.

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