No Pets Allowed? Au contraire…as Jacques Steinberg writes today in the New York Times, several colleges are now welcoming animals and reptiles alike to the campus environs including Stephen’s College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Washington & Jefferson College, Eckerd College and State University of New York, Canton. This isn’t a completely foreign concept. Many current and past grads will remember “mascots’ of college days, often living in off-campus housing or fraternities. But in the dorms? What about restrictions and allergy prone roommates? The equivalent of the Student Judicial Board, a Pet Council may oversee any behavior issues and policy infractions related to size and breed. And, those allergic to pet dander of any kind will find comfort from the fact that animals are not allowed in common areas or cafeterias. Would you want to bring your favorite pet to college? How do you feel about a pet friendly policy on school grounds? Who would foot the bill if Fido gets sick? Let me know your thoughts. If you’re interested in reading Steinberg’s complete article, go to: ttp://

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